Relaxing, having fun, fishing at the Ráckeve-branch
75. Angyalisziget, Ráckeve, Hungary
The Ráckeve-branch or the Ráckeve- Soroksár - Danube, is the
Danube's most important triburaty which sorrunds the Csepel Island.
It branch at the north of the Csepel Island and it ends back to the
Danube in Tass.
The Ráckeve-branch is 57.3 km long and the water voulme is 40
million m3. The water is fed from the Danube through the lock, (Kvassay-dam)
and they let to pass 550 to 750 million m3 water through it every
Between 1910 - 1926 it got it's
present-day image during the canalization.
In 1960 people began to develop the shores and the islands for
recreational purposes.
Molnárszigeti - triburaty
Sport-szigeti - triburaty
Dunaharaszti holtág
Taksonyi hókony
Taksonyi backwater
Duna-szigeti- triburaty
Domariba-szigeti- triburaty
Szigetcsépi backwater
Csupics-szigeti - triburaty
Cseke-szigeti - triburaty
Raffás-szigeti - triburaty
Sóskás és Cifrus-szigeti - triburaties
Angyali - szigeti lagoon
A Balabán trench
Senki-szigeti - triburaty
Kerekzátony- island
Szigetbecsei backwater
Dömsödi backwater
Rózsa-szigeti - triburaty