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Rent a Bungalow in Ráckeve -Fishing -Zanderáckeve - Süllő horgászata



 Relaxing, having fun, fishing at the Ráckeve-branch

 75. Angyalisziget, Ráckeve, Hungary


Occurence: In Hungary the Zander can be found in large rivers and lakes. The Tisza, Danube, Drava, Körös and the lake Balaton / Velence is well known from it's Zander population.

The Zander prefers the oxygen-rich waters and constantly looks for a hiding place. In lakes zanders can be found in reeds and near collapsed trees. In rivers this fish can be found near rocks.

Fishing: The best baits are the living fishes or fish slices. (Zander prefers these fish kinds: Common Bleak, Common Roach, Common rudd).
In the summer they always hunt in the mornings or at night, but if the weather isn't too hot they hunt all day.

There are fishing limits on zanders. You have to throw back the fish if:
You caught in between 1st of March - and 30th of April.
If it's too small. (minimum size 30 cms)


The zander's head is long. The back is greyish-green and the side is silver. It has about 10-12 black stripes on it"s back. The colors can be different, because it depends
on the water.

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